Today after homelink, I really started to rethink going on Tuesdays for fun. I really enjoy seeing friends. SO many crack me up. I love it. There are sooo many people who smile at you. Talk to you randomly. And just super nice!! I really wanted to start going on Tuesdays BECAUSE I love all these crazy people.
First time we went, was SO MUCH FUN. It was ridiculous at how much fun I truly had.
This is our second time going. &.. well.. TO MUCH DRAMA FOR ME.
"What on earth is going on?" I was thinking.
Long story short,
after being claustrophobic in a tiny corner at the back of the cafeteria for like 5 hours, you can imagine I was well over overwhelmed. On top of that over ten people were gathered in a tiny bunch. No, normally this wouldn't bug me at all. But in this cramped tiny corner, I felt buried in. Well, before lunch, a group of girls decided to talk major crap on another girl. My personal opinion, it was wrong.
They weren't even talking about me & I was getting mad and aggravated. No its not cool to talk about someone when they're away. Honestly, what did she do to you? You couldn't even give an example when asked. Because that girl did nothing to deserve it. I don't even know her personally and I know she had done nothing to them. I knew she wasn't a viscous, mean, rude, fake person like they say she is. Even if she is, why are you putting so much energy on tearing her down in front of a group of people? Do you think its cute? Do you think it makes you look cool? Do you honestly think you were doing a good thing? You didn't impress me. You made your self look terrible. My thoughts and respect for you is very little now. Was putting on that show really worth it?
Its very sad. God wants us to love one another. But yet, here we are behind people's backs trashing them for no reason at all. You think she's annoying? Why do you call her your best friend to her face? That was the saddest part. This girl, who was torn apart, chewed up, and spit out, walks in the cafeteria. What did this group of people do? "Let's go sit down buddy."
This is the true meaning of two-faced. It really bugged me. What if I was that girl? What if I was oblivious to my so-called "friends" calling me these horrible names? What if I was trashed in less than five minutes in front of an audience & made a fool? What if?
That's honestly all I can say about this topic..
I was very disappointed with today and the overwhelming drama. I was astonished with people's behavior. It wasn't right..
All I know is, I can only control myself and my behavior. I will see many things in life I don't agree with. & many things I know isn't right. I don't have control of others. All I need to do is worry about my doings, and stay positive.
There will be many mean people in this world. Many Haters. I've learned that. All I can do for them is pray. Pray for the sinners and for the hurt ones.
God Is The Overall Judge.
Hate the sin.
Love the sinner.
My Blog.
Dance in the rain.
Sing a fun song.
Take pictures of random people.
Draw a funny picture.
Write about everything.
Make a silly face.
Laugh at yourself.
Always think positive.
Do what you love to do.
Be you.
Love you.
You only live once.
Enjoy The Little Things.
Sing a fun song.
Take pictures of random people.
Draw a funny picture.
Write about everything.
Make a silly face.
Laugh at yourself.
Always think positive.
Do what you love to do.
Be you.
Love you.
You only live once.
Enjoy The Little Things.
About Me

- Brittany
- Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
- I'm Brittany. One-to-the-seven is my age. I'm a Lil' Junniooor. I love.. neon colors. photography. writing. drawing. dancing. being active. texting. being with people I love. Make-up. Hair extensions. Fashion. Style. DON'T HATE. I'll wear as much makeup as I want, cuhh! I don't like reading but I'll read your blog if you read mine.(; Hollaa! Follow.Read.Comment.LoveMe. I'll love you back. PeAcE. <3
Good words.