Hey Guyssss.Yes, second night in a row, crazy right?
oKaY, SO.
Today was AWESOMEE.
Truly was. I hung with my buddies at homelink Tyler, Kellin, Keaton, Kayla, Kali, & met new people like Stetson, etc. These. People. Are. Awesome. I forgot some names but I was bumbarded (probably spelt that wrong) with new faces and names under two minutes.
I did have a good day at Homelink. I'm glad I finally started making friends here. To be honest.. Last year I really didn't feel welcomed. I had no friends there. When I went to events, I didn't talk to anybody but my family. I know a lot of it is my fault. I seem very put to myself & shy which throws many people off. Socially ackward? No, I'm not. I just really don't like walking up to people I don't know and just start a random conversation with them. As Tyler likes to call it, I'm surrounded by my "shy bubble". Tyler, I have named my shy bubble, Bubbly Petunia. YES.
Thursday is another day at homelink but I don't stay as long. Normally Tuesdays I don't stay past 11 p.m. but since my mom's van broke down & my cousin stays till 2:30 anyways, me & my other cousin decided to take a little adventure and step outside of our "bubbles". Truthfully, I'm not as shy as Kayla, but I also feel wierd if I step out to far at first.
Anyways, I've met new people which is awesome considering its nice having people from "my school" actually befriend me. At my old school, I was bullied alot. Maybe that's why I'm very insecure sometimes about myself. I've broken the habit of feeling like I have to wear a lot to be somebody. I've accepted myself for who I am. & I'd never admit to this. Until now. On my awesome blog.
My passion for writing can go a long way. I can say so much by writing it down on paper, but have nothing like that to say in person. I guess I was born to write on paper or text even. Not to verbally express myself.
I'm still trying to figure out who I am. Everyday I suprise myself with something new. The things I like, for example, solid colored t-shirts, have started to slowly fade away from my interest and now I like cute designs and even plaid. Something I would have NEVER worn or considered buying before. Thats just it though. I'm not changing because I'm trying to be something I'm not. I'm changing because life changes you. Everyone changes. At one point, I was changing in bad ways. Others, in good. I wouldn't take any of it back though. What I've done in the past that I do & don't regret have shaped me into me. I am who I am because of my stupidity and my intellegence. I'm me from all the different things I try and do. Some things I've hated I now enjoy, like this blog. I never could imagine sitting here writing for twenty minutes, not even ten, typing about random things. But here I am typing away. Its different for me. Its life.
My Blog.
Dance in the rain.
Sing a fun song.
Take pictures of random people.
Draw a funny picture.
Write about everything.
Make a silly face.
Laugh at yourself.
Always think positive.
Do what you love to do.
Be you.
Love you.
You only live once.
Enjoy The Little Things.
Sing a fun song.
Take pictures of random people.
Draw a funny picture.
Write about everything.
Make a silly face.
Laugh at yourself.
Always think positive.
Do what you love to do.
Be you.
Love you.
You only live once.
Enjoy The Little Things.
About Me

- Brittany
- Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
- I'm Brittany. One-to-the-seven is my age. I'm a Lil' Junniooor. I love.. neon colors. photography. writing. drawing. dancing. being active. texting. being with people I love. Make-up. Hair extensions. Fashion. Style. DON'T HATE. I'll wear as much makeup as I want, cuhh! I don't like reading but I'll read your blog if you read mine.(; Hollaa! Follow.Read.Comment.LoveMe. I'll love you back. PeAcE. <3
Good thoughts.