After many hours of STARING at a blank white paper, I decided it was time to put it up & open the laptop. Which leads me to this wonderful blog. So, today I will be telling you about my great adventure. I woke up at 7:30 a.m. My older sister goes to Meramec for her classes today. I also got a 32 oz soda at QT before dropping her off. It was nice since I need to go to rehab for my coke addiction. Anyways, I went on Facebook as my daily routine always goes, to a message I definitely didn't want to see. I won't be posting what it said or whom said it, but just to let you know, it hurt me deeply. Anyways, after that I guess you can imagine I had a very bad day. My head was aching ALL day. Nothing could get rid of it. After going from In A Relationship to Single to Married to Single to In A Relationship on Facebook all in one day, I guess you can see the drama included without even knowing the details. Frustrated, confused, and still recovering from the horrible weekend of the flu, today was just not my cup of tea. But than, my awesome friends always manage to come to the rescue. They made me smile. Even laugh. After this hectic day, it didn't seem that was even possible. But of course. My friends proved me wrong. This time, I was beyond happy they did. I guess you could say it was a Fairy Tale Story. You have the okay beginning. Than the vicious plot in the middle. And last but not least, The Happy Ending. I made ammence with my boyfriend, figured out the problem, and ended up picking up that piece of paper and writing down, "Wright Brothers Facts". A good way to start my paper.
Oh! One more thing. I wrote in my Reader's Journal. As bizzarre as that seems, it made me feel better. I looked at my teacher like she was crazy, writing in a journal. I never saw the point. But after reading alot she gave for homework and taking the advice, I'm already becoming a better writer. Even a better poet! Its honestly great seeing this improvement. It was like that stage in your life when you feel like your at the end, there's nothing left to see or learn. I really thank my teacher for furthering my education on writing. Without it, I don't know what I'd do.
Thank You Mrs. Musick. <3
Okay, Venting Over. Time to get to that paper. Ugh! (: Ta-ta!
My Blog.
Dance in the rain.
Sing a fun song.
Take pictures of random people.
Draw a funny picture.
Write about everything.
Make a silly face.
Laugh at yourself.
Always think positive.
Do what you love to do.
Be you.
Love you.
You only live once.
Enjoy The Little Things.
Sing a fun song.
Take pictures of random people.
Draw a funny picture.
Write about everything.
Make a silly face.
Laugh at yourself.
Always think positive.
Do what you love to do.
Be you.
Love you.
You only live once.
Enjoy The Little Things.
About Me

- Brittany
- Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
- I'm Brittany. One-to-the-seven is my age. I'm a Lil' Junniooor. I love.. neon colors. photography. writing. drawing. dancing. being active. texting. being with people I love. Make-up. Hair extensions. Fashion. Style. DON'T HATE. I'll wear as much makeup as I want, cuhh! I don't like reading but I'll read your blog if you read mine.(; Hollaa! Follow.Read.Comment.LoveMe. I'll love you back. PeAcE. <3
Yeah wright bross.. woohooo. :P
ReplyDeleteAha but nicely done :) Glad youre better!
Paper done?