SO, here's my day for you.
1. I found my blog was being talked about A LOT. & I didn't even know! (positive feedback.)
2. I getting extra credit in my class.
3. I 'm doing really good on my semester creative writing assignment so far.
4. I just realized something. Hannah Montana has stopped making episodes. BUT, recently they came up with a new show. A.N.T Farm. Now, A.N.T Farm is funny I guess if you enjoy those cheesy lines. I noticed though there are many similarities between the two shows.
Lets compare:
Big brother
Brother is not gifted
Brother is lame and uncool
Best Girl Friend
Best Guy Friend
Main character is girl
Main character can sing
Main character is very talented
Main character is stylish
Main character is 13/14 on show (Hannah Montana started out at age 13/14 on show)
You get my point. Many, many, many similarities. The only difference is their race. (This isn't a racist comment BTW). I just found this funny.
I also watched a movie today with House in it. Really weird considering when he acts for House, he's very serious, not to lively, harsh sense of humor, but brilliant.
In the movie The Code of The Woosters, he was a very lively, loud, outspoken man and dumbed down. Even better, HE HAD A BRITISH ACCENT! Waaaah!? That's awesome.
Reading a book called Farewell Too Arms. This book, which is uncensored in my book, is in my opinion, awesome. I truly love it so far. Yes, I know it's very inappropriate in many ways. Sexual, strong language, alcohol use, etc. But honestly, I admire this writer. He is an amazing writer. He freely wrote even though many critics were chomping at the bits to ruin him. Did that stop him? No. Not At All. He is possibly my new favorite author and inspiration.
Long story short, like this wonderful author, I tend to get lost in my imagination. I write for hours on end sometimes doodling down everything and anything. It doesn't seem to bother me when I put inappropriate things down either. That's writing, isn't it? You write what you enjoy writing. You write what you think of in your head, not what others do. If you don't enjoy it, how can you write over 100 pages on something with full detail, description, etc. with no interest in your book? You have to be connected with your writing. You have to love what you write. Bottom line, you write what you enjoy to write. That's why your the author.
Well, that's about it for now. Thanks for reading my blog(s). I really enjoy hearing feedback. So please, feel free to comment. Thanks again guys! I plan on being on more often to write. (secretly, I really enjoy this.) Lol, Buhh-bye ! (: <3
My Blog.
Dance in the rain.
Sing a fun song.
Take pictures of random people.
Draw a funny picture.
Write about everything.
Make a silly face.
Laugh at yourself.
Always think positive.
Do what you love to do.
Be you.
Love you.
You only live once.
Enjoy The Little Things.
Sing a fun song.
Take pictures of random people.
Draw a funny picture.
Write about everything.
Make a silly face.
Laugh at yourself.
Always think positive.
Do what you love to do.
Be you.
Love you.
You only live once.
Enjoy The Little Things.
About Me

- Brittany
- Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
- I'm Brittany. One-to-the-seven is my age. I'm a Lil' Junniooor. I love.. neon colors. photography. writing. drawing. dancing. being active. texting. being with people I love. Make-up. Hair extensions. Fashion. Style. DON'T HATE. I'll wear as much makeup as I want, cuhh! I don't like reading but I'll read your blog if you read mine.(; Hollaa! Follow.Read.Comment.LoveMe. I'll love you back. PeAcE. <3
Keep up the good work.